Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Getting ready for Deepavali

Since our Indian Festival of Lights is just around the corner, I thought I would start making all the wonderful cookies that my mother has thought me so that my kids would know what the festival is all about, hmmm not like I know much about it. All we used to do when we were small was just wait for mom to finish making her specialties and we would just indulge in them. Thinking back of all this has made me wonder, how did my mom do all this when she had all 4 of us running around.  She is a tough cookie.  Anyway, here we go, I made Muruku ( a fried snack which is done in a mould into little spirals), Pineapple tarts, Anthill cookies, Dahlia cookie, Beehive cake.  I guess I need to go clean up all the mess that I have done in the kitchen while doing all my cooking, so talk later.......
Ice cream cookie 
Anthill cookie

Beehive cake

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